It was recently reported that the government is being urged to create opportunities for Britons to learn languages like Polish, Urdu and Punjabi, in order to effect more social cohesion.
How Americans near the Great Lakes are radically changing the sound of English.
Η μεγάλη συμβολή του Claude Levi-Strauss στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες έγκειται στην εισαγωγή του επιστημονικού παραδείγματος της Δομικής Γλωσσολογίας, στη μεταφορά και εφαρμογή των αρχών, της μεθόδου και των πορισμάτων της στις κοινωνιολογικές και ανθρωπολογικές έρευνες, ιδρύοντας τον κλάδο της Δομικής Ανθρωπολογίας.
As a future teacher of English as a foreign language, you need to give your students informed instruction in English pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar; but language teaching, at the more advanced levels in particular, is also concerned with idiomatic language use, such as collocations and formulaic language, or strategies that match a given communicative situation, e.g. pragmatic knowledge about how to establish and maintain social relationships exchanging messages in a specific socio-cultural environment (like e.g. inviting or apologizing).
Corpus linguistics combines computer-based research methods with linguistics. Since the 1960s, collections of data – or 'corpora' - have been used to further explore traditional areas of language study, including many of those discussed in the Linguistic toolbox.