Five Lost Languages Rediscovered in Massachusetts

Smithsonian linguist Ives Goddard finds that the Native Americans of central Massachusetts spoke five languages instead of one

Family Literacy

The vital role played by parents, grandparents and other care-givers in their children’s education at all stages are gaining recognition. As a result, there is a growing need to support those parents who may wish to improve their own literacy skills and confidence in the context of family life and learning.

Dictionary work

For many students, the experience of trying to use a dictionary has been one of frustration and failure. Frequently heard comments are “I tried to look up that word but I couldn’t find it” or ”That word isn’t in my dictionary”.

What is the Great Vowel Shift?

The Great Vowel Shift was a massive sound change affecting the long vowels of English during the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries.


H ψυχογλωσσολογία ή ψυχολογία της γλώσσας είναι διεπιστημονικός κλάδος που ανήκει τόσο στη γλωσσολογία όσο και στην ψυχολογία, και διερευνά τη σχέση γλωσσικών και ψυχολογικών φαινομένων.