20. Lithuania: 71.1 points
Innovation in human resources: 96.8 points.
Attractive research systems: 34.8 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 123 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 59.4 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 93.2 points.
Innovators: 92.6 points.
Synergy between public and private sector to innovate: 102 points.
Intellectual Assets: 51 points.
Employment: 39.3 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 35.1 points.
19. Italy: 73.6 points
Innovation in human resources: 54.7 points.
Attractive research systems: 87.5 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 63.2 points.
Finances and support for innovation: 55.1 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 57.7 points.
Innovators: 105.6 points.
The synergy between the public and private sector to innovate: 56.5 points.
Intellectual assets: 103.4 points.
Employment: 74.4 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 74 points.
18. Cyprus: 76.5 points
Innovation in human resources: 95.7 points.
Attractive research systems: 104.4 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 45.6 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 42.6 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 54.2 points.
Innovators 101.1 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 59.8 points.
Intellectual Assets: 114.4 points.
Employment: 60.8 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 73.1 points.
17. Estonia: 78.6 points
Innovation in human resources: 103.8 points.
Attractive research systems: 89.5 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 103.8 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 89.6 points.
Investments in private sector innovation: 67.5 points.
Innovators: 28.3 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 75.6 points.
Intellectual Assets: 110.6 points.
Employment: 74.5 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 62.8 points.
16. Spain: 79.3 points
Innovation in human resources: 118.6 points.
Attractive research systems: 86.9 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 107.3 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 80.2 points.
Investments in innovation from the private sector: 67.8 points.
Innovators: 42 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 68.6 points.
Intellectual Assets: 72.2 points.
Employment: 90.2 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 73.6 points.
15. Malta: 79.9 points
Innovation in human resources: 55.8 points.
Attractive research systems: 141.7 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 123.6 points.
Finances and support for innovation: 6.9 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 71.4 points.
Innovators: 79 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 11.8 points.
Intellectual Assets: 166.8 points.
Employment: 139.7 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 54.5 points.
14. Portugal: 80.5 points
Innovation in human resources: 83.8 points.
Attractive research systems: 106.4 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 133.2 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 65.1 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 74.7 points.
Innovators: 116.1 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 54.3 points.
Intellectual Assets: 73.4 points.
Employment: 82.3 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 43.1 points.
13. Czech Republic: 82.3 points
Innovation in human resources: 78.4 points.
Attractive research systems: 72.5 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 79.2 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 47.3 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 103.9 points.
Innovators: 86.1 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 77.6 points.
Intellectual Assets: 62.7 points.
Employment: 115.1 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 94.8 points.
12. Slovenia: 92.2 points
Innovation in human resources: 143.6 points.
Attractive research systems: 90.2 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 87.7 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 33.4 points.
Investments in innovation of the private sector: 121 points.
Innovators: 95.6 points.
Synergy between the public and privatesectorsto innovate: 112.3 points.
Intellectual Assets: 80.2 points.
Employment: 75.4 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 75 points.
11. France: 109.2 points
Innovation in human resources: 124.4 points.
Attractive research systems: 129.2 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 101.5 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 141.3 points.
Investments in private sector innovation: 87.6 points.
Innovators: 121.4 points.
Synergy between the public and privatesectorsto innovate: 101.5 points.
Intellectual Assets: 86 points.
Employment: 92 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 105.3 points.
10. Austria: 114.7 points
Innovation in human resources: 112.8 points.
Attractive research systems: 138.5 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 86.7 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 91.8 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 134.8 points.
Innovators : 141.9 points.
Synergy between public and private sector to innovate: 143.5 points.
Intellectual Assets: 146.2 points.
Employment : 65.6 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies : 79.6 points.
9. Ireland: 115.9 points
Innovation in human resources: 140.7 points.
Attractive research systems : 141.5 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 96.6 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 75.8 points.
Investments in innovation of the private sector : 93.5 points.
Innovators : 170 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 89.1 points.
Intellectual Assets: 46.9 points.
Employment : 164.8 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies : 127.7 points.
8. Belgium: 117.5 points
Innovation in human resources : 106.5 points.
Attractive research systems : 168 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 107.3 points.
Finance and support for innovation: 99.8 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 133.8 points.
Innovators: 161.3 points.
Synergy between public and private sector to innovate : 161.8 points.
Intellectual Assets : 83.5 points.
Employment : 78.5 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 75.2 points.
7. Germany: 119.6 points
Innovation in human resources: 94.4 points.
Attractive research systems: 92.2 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 100.7 points.
Finance and innovation support: 102 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 156.4 points.
Innovators: 152.6 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 125.2 points.
Intellectual Assets: 147.6 points.
Employment: 100.3 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies : 114.7 points.
6. Luxembourg: 121.1 points
Innovation in human resources: 126 points.
Attractive research systems: 197.8 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 143.5 points.
Finances and support for innovation: 124.7 points.
Investments in innovation of the private sector : 68.9 points.
Innovators: 142.2 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 62.2 points.
Intellectual Assets: 153 points.
Employment: 138.6 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 84.8 points.
5. United Kingdom: 121.5 points
Innovation in human resources: 151.4 points.
Attractive research systems: 173.2 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 93.2 points.
Finance and innovation support: 107.6 points.
Investments in innovation of the private sector: 101.9 points.
Innovators: 99.5 points.
Synergy between public and private sector to innovate: 133.5 points.
Intellectual Assets: 81.5 points.
Employment: 144 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 123.2 points.
4. The Netherlands: 128.5 points
Innovation in human resources: 146.1 points.
Attractive research systems: 182.6 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 159.4 points.
Finance and innovation support: 130.2 points.
Investments in innovation of the private sector: 76.4 points.
Innovators: 127.3 points.
Synergy between public and private sector to innovate: 151.2 points.
Intellectual Assets: 126.6 points.
Employment: 115.3 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 91.7 points.
3. Finland: 128.7 points
Innovation in human resources: 165.2 points.
Attractive research systems: 137.8 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 183.7 points.
Finance and innovation support: 110.3 points.
Investment in private sector innovation: 132.5 points.
Innovators: 141.4 points.
Synergy between the public and privatesectorsto innovate: 132.6 points.
Intellectual Assets: 146.7 points.
Employment: 83.5 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: 77.6 points.
2. Denmark: 132.4 points
Innovation in human resources: 184.2 points.
Attractive research systems: 181.7 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 197.8 points.
Finance and innovation support: 102.6 points.
Investments in innovation from the private sector : 109.1 points.
Innovators : 111.9 points.
Synergy between the public and private sectors to innovate: 131.3 points.
Intellectual Assets: 165.8 points.
Employment : 100.5 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies : 75.1 points.
1. Sweden: 140.8 points
Innovation in human resources: 179.6 points.
Attractive research systems: 176.5 points.
Innovation-friendly environment: 190.5 points.
Finance and innovation support: 111.6 points.
Investments in innovation from the private sector: 157.9 points.
Innovators: 126.8 points.
Synergy between the public and privatesectorsto innovate: 131 points.
Intellectual Assets: 156.6 points.
Employment: 131.4 points.
Exports and sales of innovative companies: