3 παιχνίδια για την ενίσχυση της ισορροπίας.

Η ισορροπία μας είναι πολύ σημαντική για να μπορούμε να ανταπεξέλθουμε σε σύνθετες και απαιτητηκές κινητικές δραστηριότητες.

Στηρίζεται στο αιθουσαίο σύστημα και βοηθάει να διατηρείται στην ευθεία το σώμα μας, σε όρθια ή καθιστή θέση, σε σταθερή ή κινούμενη επιφάνεια, με ανοιχτά ή με κλειστά μάτια. 

Why Ages 2-7 Matter So Much for Brain Development

Rich experiences—from play to the arts and relationships—fundamentally shape a young child’s development.

When Albert Einstein was a child, few people—if any—anticipated the remarkable contributions he would make to science. His language development was delayed, worrying his parents to the point of consulting a doctor.

One Word to Drop From Your Teacher Vocabulary

A simple change in language can show students how mistakes are useful and how struggle can be productive.

As a senior in high school, I tested into calculus. Math was never a subject for which I had any passion, but I’d done well enough the previous years to find myself in Mrs M’s calculus class. As she taught, I would stare at the whiteboard in disbelief, comparing the number of letters versus numbers in the equations we were solving.

Adapting Science Lessons for Distance Learning

With a little creativity, students can still take part in science experiments and discussions while learning at home.

In a traditional, face-to-face classroom setting, teachers have the ability to interact with students, flexibly spot-check understanding, and present learning material in an engaging manner. Our new normal of science teaching, the distance-learning model, has severely compromised these good instructional practices.

6 Tips for Mentoring New Teachers During Distance Learning

Experienced teachers typically mentor novices by observing their classes and meeting regularly. That can still happen as both teachers work from home.

Our nation is experiencing a teacher-retention crisis: Many novice educators are leaving the profession after only a few years of classroom experience. That’s why Prince William County Public Schools in Virginia created a mentor program to retain quality teachers while also building their skills, self-efficacy, and professional vision.